Contours Community: Inside Scoop

5 Tips for Packing Your Diaper Bag
Traveling with your little one can be tough, especially when trying to make sure you have everything you need in your diaper bag. To help you out, we've listed 5 helpful tips on how to pack your diaper bag more efficiently! 1.) Pick out the perfect diaper bag. When you're searching for the perfect diaper bag…

Keep Calm and Potty On
Wondering how to potty train your child? Read on for some amazing potty training tips & tricks to get you…

Potty Training During the Holidays
It's the Holiday season...time to potty train! While potty training might be the LAST thing on your mind this time…

Best Podcasts for Moms
Being a mom is a lot of work, so sit back and relax because we've got you covered on all…

Want to Help a New Mom? Hint: Keep it Simple
Welcoming baby home is a time of joy… and transition… and also total, complete exhaustion. After the birth of baby,…

7 Fun Fall Activities for Kids, Toddlers, and Babies
The seasons are changing, and that means exploring new activities with your baby or toddler. Autumn is the perfect time…

Benefits of Baby Wearing
Spoiler-alert: parenting requires a lot of multi-tasking (and snuggling)! Enter baby wearing. It can be tough to find time for…

You and Baby Number Two
Things no one tells you about having a second baby Having your first baby is a totally mind-blowing experience. First-time…

Enjoying Motherhood (hint: it might not all be perfect)
Becoming a mother is one of the most challenging, rewarding, and sometimes terrifying experiences you’ll ever have. When your baby…