Contours Community: Baby Gear and Safety

Tips for Creating a Safe Nursery
Designing your nursery is an important step in preparing for your baby’s arrival. While it can be a lot of fun planning a nursery décor, and picking out crib bedding and other accessories, it is important to remember these simple guidelines in order to create a safe haven for you and your little one. Mattress Height Start using…

Do’s and Don’ts for Stroller Safety
Baby strollers are designed to make life with little ones easier! Whether it is running errands, getting your daily steps…

Baby Proofing Your Home
Getting ready for a baby can be filled with excitement, joy, and—yes—sometimes a little bit of angst. There are nursery…

Summer Babywearing: Staying Cool in the Heat
Come summer time, the questions about babywearing in the heat start flying. What type of baby carrier should I use…

Benefits of Baby Wearing
Spoiler-alert: parenting requires a lot of multi-tasking (and snuggling)! Enter baby wearing. It can be tough to find time for…

The Freedom of Backwearing
As much as I adore the snuggles of a baby cuddled up in a front carry, once my babies are…

Summer Outdoor Fun for Babies
The warm summer sun is hard to resist, and many young children can’t wait to get outside despite the heat.…

Baby and Furbaby
Introducing Baby to Pets Pets are excellent practice for parents-to-be, as they depend on their caretakers for food, safety, snuggles,…

Keep Calm and Travel On
How to Travel with Little Ones & Not Lose Your Mind So you’ve made the decision: the whole family needs…